Operational excellence
3 min read

Do you want to increase your profitability by 15% ? Employee Engagement is the solution

Published on
July 20, 2019

Highly engaged employees lead to positive outcomes on key performance indicators such as: increased retention, customer loyalty, safety, productivity and overall revenue growth within an organization.

MIT’s Sloan Review finds that firms with high levels of employee engagement report higher profit growth (10–15%) than firms with low levels of employee engagement (0–1%).

According to Gallup, highly engaged teams are 21% more productive and have 28% less internal theft than those with low engagement. Engaged employees are innovative and always have an idea or two about what they can do better.Following from Gallup'sState of the Global Workplace report, "85% of employees are not engaged or actively disengaged at work, resulting in lost productivity.

It is no surprise then that in today’s fast-shifting work environment, organizations work hard to engage their workforce, secure high performance and develop #BrandAmbassadors for their companies. The role of the manager has become a clear enabler (or detractor) of these organizational goals.

Leaders need to act as coaches to enhance employee engagement and performance. With the right attitude and skills, they can to keep their organizations agile in a time of significant business flux.

According to #Gartner, #ConnectorLeaders can boost employee performance by up to 26%, employee’s discretionary effort by up to 38%, and can improve employee engagement by up to 40%, and this regardless of industry, function or region.

Sari Wilde and Jaime Roca, both recognized leaders in Research & Advisory at Gartner HR Practice, stated that Connector Managers focus on developing three key development connections for their employees :

1. Employee connection

2. Team connection

3. Organization connection

Are leaders in your organization developing these connections ? Do they have the #awareness and #skills needed to create these experiences within your workforce to increase #EmployeeEngagement ? If not, what are you waiting to reap the ROI of #ConnectedLeadership ?

Is this one of your current goals and you are not sure where to start? Do you need an expert to support you in creating a plan to improve leadership skills in your company ?

Contact us at for a complimentary discussion on Leadership development. We will be happy to brainstorm with you on how to achieve this important goal and develop a plan that suits your specific needs to support your company's growth.

Contact Bee'z Consulting


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