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How to multiply your financial results by improving your company culture

Publié le
May 16, 2020

Transforming an organization into a digital player is neither easy nor quick.

Such an endeavor will require a company-wide change. This usually takes time, perseverance, and a change management strategy that is well executed.

Transforming an organization to become a digital player requires a change in the activities that employees do daily

Furthermore, their behaviors and interactions with inside colleagues and external stakeholders will need to evolve. It will require instilling a culture, eventually new values, and a new set of behaviors that define how things are done.

Organizational change is no easy task.However, according to studies by Boston Consulting Group (BCG), companies focusing on the cultural aspects during a transformation reported 5x better results and stronger financial performance than those who did not.

Additionally, digital leaders are talent magnets. Why? Young generations (Gen Z and Gen Y) like to work for digital players because their organizational setup is usually more flexible and agile. They enable collaborative and creative environments and greater autonomy for employees. They encourage their staff to take measured risks. In these companies, continuous development is a must.

In short, digital players are appealing to young generations because they provide an environment where they can perform and develop themselves.

Do you believe that adopting some of the characteristics of digital players would benefit your organization?

Would you like to investigate how to transform your organization to achieve breakthrough financial performance and to secure an engaged workforce ?

We can support you to find the solution that best suits your needs.

We are experts in transformation and change management.

Our mission is to help Medium-sized Enterprises in their transformation to an agile and collaborative culture to fuel continued growth.Interested in knowing more ? Then click on the button below and reach out to us to schedule a discussion. Together we will assess your current situation and identify a set of specific actions that you can take.

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