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Ways of working
4 min read

How to cultivate "lazy thinking" within your organization ?

Discover the benefits and methods to integrate relaxation periods at work, and how to adapt to new trends.

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Operational excellence
4 min read

L'employee engagement : c’est quoi et pourquoi devons-nous nous en préoccuper ?

Le concept d’engagement des collaborateurs a été introduit par William A. Kahn en 1990

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5 min read

Agile Transformation – How can Human Resources add value?

To compete and be relevant in today’s quick-paced and ever-evolving world, organizations must find and deploy new ways of working to deliver value-added products/ services that address their customers’ pains and needs.

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Ways of working
5 min read

The key to successful change management : Internal communications

Organizations change over time – to adapt to fluctuations in the marketplace, to capitalize on new ideas and technologies, to make improvements, and to adjust to internal and external circumstances.

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Operational excellence
6 min read

The Power of Experiences in our Competitive World

Companies around the world realize that even in a technology-driven world, it’s the experiences that matter most

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Operational excellence
4 min read

How can HR professionals support revenue growth ?

Employees tend to work longer with enterprises that made them feel great about themselves, independent of what their salaries and bonuses are

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Operational excellence
4 min read

Expérience Employé et Productivité : quel lien ?

Dans un contexte économique où les entreprises doivent plus que jamais faire plus avec moins, toute augmentation de la rentabilité de leurs actifs, résulte en une augmentation des bénéfices nets

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Operational excellence
7 min read

L'expérience employé : ce vecteur de profitabilité encore méconnu

L’accélération de l’innovation et de l’évolution technologique, d’une part, et les nouvelles aspirations des collaborateurs ou exigences des clients, de l’autre, mènent à des évolutions tant dans le « business model » des entreprises que dans leur gestion à l'interne

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12 min read

La stratégie gagnante pour démarrer une transformation agile

Je rencontre souvent des chefs d'entreprise qui veulent lancer des programmes de changement de leur culture de travail

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4 min read

How to make innovation everyone's business inside your organization

Most business leaders understand that in order to hone innovation in support of business transformation it is necessary to break down silos. For this, organizations should use integrated applications and systems that generate new insights, help identify opportunities for innovation and embed digital business processes and models to enable process optimization.

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5 min read

The key to the transformation of our education model into an agile learning environment

Same as in business, digital transformation in education is not about innovation or technology

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Operational excellence
5 min read

Here's the best tactic to attract next-generation talent to your organization

“It’s only when you start to really press CEOs on precisely what is the purpose of their business that you realize that they often do not have a clear notion of it,” says Colin Mayer, a professor at the Saïd Business School at Oxford University

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4 min read

Le mouvement agile et le Scrum

Le terme « agile » - qui aujourd’hui est associé à Scrum - est apparu dans le monde de l’IT en 2001 avec le Manifeste Agile, qui se positionne alors par rapport aux processus bureaucratiques de l’époque

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4 min read

Agilité dans une PME : comment assurer l’amélioration continue

Parmi les différentes pratiques agiles, Scrum fait office de favori dans beaucoup d’entreprises

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Operational excellence
5 min read

Employés Ambassadeurs : LE nouveau relais de croissance pour les patrons de PME

En tant que patron de PME, l’image de marque de votre société vous tient à cœur

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2 min read

Agile ? Agile Transformation ? But what does this mean for my organization ?

It seems like every business is trying to figure out how to transform, or already has

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