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5 min read

La culture organisationnelle : cette dose de Vitamine-D si nécessaire pour sortir de la crise

La stratégie et la culture sont parmi les principaux leviers dont disposent les dirigeants dans leur quête sans relâche pour maintenir la pérennité et l'efficacité de l'organisation.

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Operational excellence
3 min read

Getting ready to deconfine and increase your market share with the right competencies

As we begin to experience deconfinement after the cusp of the COVID-19 crisis passes by, I would like to review the concept of Transformational Leadership.

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Operational excellence
17 min read

Unleashing Potential: The Power of Transformational Leadership

Discover the secrets of transformational leadership, the most effective style of leadership for motivating and empowering your followers. Don't miss this article.

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