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Ways of working
4 min read

How to cultivate "lazy thinking" within your organization ?

Discover the benefits and methods to integrate relaxation periods at work, and how to adapt to new trends.

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5 min read

A human-oriented approach is the key to digital transformation success

According to Mr. Puri, SVP of International IT at Fedex, "Digital Transformation is about adopting new technologies, but it's also about adopting new ways of working and new mindsets to deliver new business value"

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8 min read

How to measure your cultural transformation's advancement in 4 simple steps

When working on an #OrganizationalCulture change, we need to expect things to evolve slowly and people to be skeptic

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Operational excellence
4 min read

The advice you were waiting to improve the Employee Experience in your organization is here !

As consumers, we have all grown accustomed to seamless digital experiences in most of our interactions with technology

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3 min read

Comment accéler l'innovation lors d'une transformation agile

Tant par le passé que de nos jours l’erreur peut être une source d’amélioration, voire d’innovation, si on sait la mettre à profit

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3 min read

Entreprise Libérée : Qu'est-ce que c'est ? 🤔

Actuellement les entreprises sont confrontées à un fort désengagement de leurs salariés, ce qui a un fort impact sur leur performance et compétitivité dans des marchés en forte évolution

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Ways of working
13 min read

If you change nothing, nothing will change

Here are some tips on how to ensure that your cultural transformation is successful

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1 min read

Culture ate Strategy for Lunch

Digital Transformation is forcing organizations to change the way they work and to rethink their Business Model

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15 min read

Comment devenir une Entreprise Innovante et Agile

Comment devenir une entreprise innovante et agile ? Suivez les conseils de cet article pour adopter une culture de l'agilité et de la créativité.

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1 min read

Digital transformation means organizational change

#DigitalTransformation is about changing #humanbehaviours and requires changing habits and underlying assumptions at all levels of the organization

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Operational excellence
3 min read

"LA" stratégie qui facilite vos efforts de recrutement : l'Employé Ambassadeur

Connaissez-vous «l’Employee Advocacy» (ou «Employé Ambassadeur», en français) ?

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Operational excellence
3 min read

Do you want to increase your profitability by 15% ? Employee Engagement is the solution

Highly engaged employees lead to positive outcomes on key performance indicators such as: increased retention, customer loyalty, safety, productivity and overall revenue growth within an organization

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Operational excellence
2 min read

The Hacking HR community was launched in Lausanne to help reinvent HR practices

With rapid changes—both technological and in the organization of work – everyone is conscious of the need to review the approach to work.Evolution is forcing modern organizations to look for ways to re-invent themselves to focus more on humans, whether these are their customers, partners or their employees

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