As we begin to experience deconfinement after the cusp of the COVID-19 crisis passes by, I would like to review the concept of Transformational Leadership.
Transformational Leadership is defined as a leadership approach that causes a change in individuals and social systems. It creates valuable and positive change in the followers with the end goal of developing followers into leaders.It does so by :
All of these characteristics will be critical as we work on re-launching our economies and securing a competitive place for our organization.
According to Bass and Riggio, “transformational leaders help followers grow and develop into leaders by responding to individual followers' needs by empowering them and by aligning the objectives and goals of the individual followers, the leader, the group, and the larger organization."They do so by :
At Bee'z Consulting Sàrl, we know that you need to keep your business competitive and your workforce productive and happy, and we want to help you find the solution that best meets your constantly evolving agility needs.
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Tant par le passé que de nos jours l’erreur peut être une source d’amélioration, voire d’innovation, si on sait la mettre à profit
Actuellement les entreprises sont confrontées à un fort désengagement de leurs salariés, ce qui a un fort impact sur leur performance et compétitivité dans des marchés en forte évolution
Here are some tips on how to ensure that your cultural transformation is successful