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A human-oriented approach is the key to digital transformation success

Published on
September 3, 2019

According to Mr. Puri, SVP of International IT at Fedex, "Digital Transformation is about adopting new technologies, but it's also about adopting new ways of working and new mindsets to deliver new business value".

Why is mindset so important ?

Establishing a sustainable digital culture is fundamental these days. As technical progress continues to unveil, we need to secure agile leadership, adaptability, innovation, and drive within our organizations to advance in the digital transformation. The first step in this path is to throw out the processes, tools, and mindsets that are no longer useful.

We need to get rid of processes and activities that are justified by the "we've always done it this way" justification. Successful transformation will depend on your employees’ attitudes and mindsets about change, their willingness to modify their work methods, and other organizational elements such as decision-making process, collaboration across functions and collaboration/ communication channels and systems.McKinsey has found through their study of change in organizations that 70% of change management efforts fail due to employee resistance and lack of management support.

How can we reduce employee resistance ?

There are four contributors to employee resistance that you can focus on to support the change process :

  1. Fear of the unfamiliar
  2. Fear of incompetence
  3. Fear of failure
  4. Fear of losing status

By following a formal change management approach you can ensure that all of these four elements are tackled, the potential resistance is identified from the beginning and the right tactics to be put in place to proactively manage them with the right information, sponsorship, and training.  It is important to also highlight the important role that management plays during transformations.

No one in your organization has a bigger impact on your employees’ experience, well-being, and performance than your managers.  

What are the key ingredients needed for a succesful transformation ?

It will be essential that senior leaders lead by example and "walk the talk" as they work on embedding the new behaviors and habits that make your digital culture, Also, processes and measurements should support the change and track advancement. Furthermore, it will be important to review the criteria on how the performance of employees is measured and to find ways to reward and recognize those who display new behaviors.

Your HR team should play the main role in developing the change management infrastructure that will guide the entire enterprise through its digital transformation. But HR must also function as the facilitators, providers, and mediators that enable cross-departmental coordination.What is the biggest hurdle that your organization has faced/ is facing in regards to business transformation these days ?

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